Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hockey & Death Glares & Birthdays, Oh My.

Boy, does it feel good to have hockey back (not that I've really been able to enjoy it yet, because I've been running around this semester like a crazy person). But I can honestly say that nothing feels as good as walking up to a pop machine and scaring away the huge guy in the Blackhawks shirt when he catches a glimpse of your Red Wings attire.

That's a lie- This was better:

And since it's Wednesday, I wish I could leave you with a WTF moment. But since I can't, I'll leave you with this:

Today Hockeytown Static turns 24. Well, not the blog, but the main person behind the blog. Happy birthday, Trisha!


Andy said...

I already said this on another post, but Happy Birthday Trisha! Hope you have a nice day.

ChristineRWBNB said...

Hey, Happy B-Day! Hope it's an awesome one :-D

Allison said...

Many happy returns of the day, Trisha! I hope it's filled with cake and the circus animals of your choice.